Research, Innovation & Academic Quality Division

Research, Innovation and Academic Quality Division

  1. Research on the transformations required in the education sector in response to the contemporary issues occurring in the country
  2. Provide technical advice to the Ministry in formulating the education policy.
  3. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the national curriculum and share findings with the relevant authorities
  4. Creating a culture of research in the schools of Maldives
  5. Conduct research and publish findings on the impact assessment of various activities carried out by NIE
  6. Develop, standardize and disseminate instruments for educational research
  7. Publish various studies conducted by NIE
  8. Explore and test innovative ways of implementing the national curriculum, and provide support to schools to implement them.
  9. Ensure that educational programs delivered to students under the age of 18 by various bodies outside the implementation of the National Curriculum facilitate the social, spiritual and emotional well-being of the students